Georgia Institute of Technology


  • How to iterate the mshr and check a memory type?
     list::const_iterator cii; 
      m_mshr_entry_s* entry; 
      for (cii= m_mshr.begin() ; cii != m_mshr.end(); cii++) {
        entry = (*cii);
        if (!entry->valid) continue; 
        mem_req_s *req  = entry->m_mem_req; 
        if (req->m_state == MEM_NEW) {
         // do some useful work 
       // if you want to stop after doing useful work call retur here 

  • How to pop a memory request from a queue (e.g. queue1) and send it to another queue (eq. queue2)?
    (1) mem_req_s *t_mem_req = queue1.front() to get a memory request (you are just peeking the first entry in the queue)
    (2) Ready to move to the other queue?
    (3) queue.pop(): actually popping
    (4) queue2.push_back(t_mem_req) : pushing the memory request into the back of the other queue

       // check whether a queue is empty or not 
       if (dram_in_queue.empty()) return; 
    // calling front gives the first entry  (read-only)
       mem_req_s *t_mem_req = dram_in_queue.front();  
    // prevent from checking null objects 
       if (!t_mem_req) return; 
    // pop removes one entry from the queue. 
       assert(t_mem_req->m_state == MEM_DRAM_IN); 
       int dram_bank_id = get_dram_bank_id(t_mem_req->m_addr); 
    // push_back:    
  • How to check store-load forwarding?