******************************************************************* * Errata 9/19 ******************************************************************* Remove the following two lines in the cache_read function of the cache.cpp file cache->cache_entry[line_num][ii].lru = cycle_count; cache->cache_entry[line_num][ii].valid = true; ******************************************************************* * Errata 9/18 ******************************************************************* Kindly Make the following changes to the source files: 1. sim.cpp a. memory_c main_memory(); is not needed. we created main_memory inside simulator_main(). b. add uint64_t dcache_hit_count = 0; c. add out << "Total D-cache hit: " << dcache_hit_count << endl; to print_stats() function 2. cache.cpp a. Please use the updated source code for cache.cpp b. Kindly initialize int lru_index = 0; at the beginning of get_repl_index() function definition c. Kindly edit cache->entry_size variable in cache_init() function definition to cache->entry_size = cache_size*1024/(block_size)/assoc; 3. memory.cpp a. initialize for(int ii=0;ii